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One Glass Of THIS Juice Everyday Will Unclog Your Arteries!

الصفحة الرئيسية


The number one killer of people in America isn’t what most assume it to be, cancer, that comes in at number two. Instead, it’s a disease that is accountable for over 25% of all deaths each year alone. If you don’t already know what it is, it’s heart disease.

Many of the underlying causes, signs, and symptoms of heart disease are invisible, hidden and concealed deep within our bodies. One such cause is atherosclerosis, the hardening and narrowing of the artery walls. Fats, plaques, cholesterol, and more builds up on artery walls slowly over time. Eventually all that build up causes blockages, which in turn may lead to a person suffering a stroke, blood clot, or heart attack.

There are ways to minimize the risk of developing heart disease and atherosclerosis. Exercise, a healthy lifestyle and eating right are key steps in the right direction. Diet is perhaps the most important factor for heart health and what you choose to put in your body can either help or harm it. The recipe below offers a powerhouse blend of vitamins and antioxidants to help unclog arteries. It’s a delicious way to detoxify your body and drink yourself to better cardiovascular health.

Here’s the recipe and how to make it:

1 cup of tomato juice, freshly squeezed is best)

1 tablespoon of grated ginger

1 hot pepper, or ½ teaspoon pepper

¼ cup of lemon juice 2 celery stalks

Combine all of the above ingredients in a blender and mix them until a smooth, juicy consistency is achieved. This recipe yields approximately one cup of juice. Ideally you should drink it between meals as it also aids in digestion, keeps you hydrated, and regular. Salud!


The post One Glass Of THIS Juice Everyday Will Unclog Your Arteries! appeared first on Sun Gazing.
