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QUIZ: Can You Find The Panda Hiding Amongst The Painted Black Metal Musicians?

الصفحة الرئيسية


Image via: Shutterstock

If you enjoy searching pictures for hidden things, then this puzzle is for you. It’s a spin on the hugely popular “Find the Panda” image that was originally posted by Gergely Dudás, aka the artist known as ‘Dudolf.’ He put up the holiday themed puzzle, which featured a hidden panda bear among rows of snowmen, on Facebook shortly before Christmas and the drawing quickly proved to be a hit with users.

This visual search puzzle is a take on Dudolf’s and it’s brought to you by a Norwegian musician named Epsen Westum. He also chose to hide a panda in the illustration he drew up, but instead of snowmen he hid the bear among a crowd of heavy metal artists. Their white and black painted faces, featuring heavy black eyeliner and mostly black hair, is the perfect setting in which to hide a panda bear.

Part of the reason why so many people like these types of puzzles is the fact that they truly get stumped by them. A majority of the people who try these claim that it takes them awhile to find the hidden object, and many can’t find it at all.

Furthermore, if you’ve ever looked at a “Where’s Waldo?” book, then you have tested out and exercised your visual perception skills. Hidden picture puzzles like this are designed to help strengthen our overall visual perception. They’re also a fun way to explore and see what you immediately notice and pick up on, and what you fail to notice. Test your eyes and see if you can spot the panda now!

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Were you able to find the Panda? Let us know in the comments below. If you find it don’t give it away! Scroll down for the answer! :)

Yup, took me wayyyy too long

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The post QUIZ: Can You Find The Panda Hiding Amongst The Painted Black Metal Musicians? appeared first on Sun Gazing.
