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What Does The Position You Sleep In Reveal About You? Find Out Below.

الصفحة الرئيسية

Sleep. It does a body good. We all know that when we don’t get enough quality rest, we quickly start to deteriorate mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and so on and so forth. Just about everything we do or even think about ends up suffering from a lack of sleep, which brings to mind a famous old Irish Proverb, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.”
Sleeping can literally make you feel 110% better in a matter of hours and part of the reason why is because it’s a time when our bodies can focus on repairing and healing themselves. Our brains also finally get a chance to rebuild and as we sort through things our minds begin to deeply relax. When we’re asleep it’s a time when all of the things that are straining and stressing us get temporarily suspended. As the Dalai Lama once said, “Sleep is the best meditation” and his words of wisdom were spot on!
It’s no wonder that people love sleeping and the average human will have spent around one-third of their total life slumbering by the time they die. That total is based upon the notion that we average about 8 hours of sleep every night and when we go to bed and crawl under the covers, searching for a cozy spot, every one of us has a favorite position that we prefer to get into. Lots of us love nothing more than to curl up into the fetal position on our sides, while others lay on their tummy’s or backs with hands resting at their sides, to each their own!
There are certainly many types of ways in which we are capable of falling asleep, but there are only a few main positions that people tend to universally prefer. Each sleep position has been studied extensively from all angles by sleep specialists and researchers who have come to some interesting conclusions.
One such finding is that how you sleep can reveal deeper insights about your personality! Take for example sleeping in the fetal position, on the side with both legs curled up, which is by far the most popular way to sleep. According to a survey done by Dr. Chris Idzikowski, a sleep specialist who has written books on the subject, approximately 41% of us sleep this way and it generally means you are calm, reserved, shy, and sensitive on the inside. At the same time, you likely cover up this side of yourself with a tough exterior.
This quiz will tell you what your favorite sleep position reveals about your personality and explains more about what other qualities are associated with it. Just click on the link and choose the picture of your preferred way to sleep to learn more about it!
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