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The Best Natural Treatment To Get Rid Of Your Lower Back Pain and Sciatica With No Pain Pills or Surgery

الصفحة الرئيسية

Sciatic nerve pain is horrible. Anyone who has ever had to suffer through it knows exactly how excruciating and debilitating it can often be. While there are several different variations, the condition is most generally described as lower back pain that starts around the base of the spine. It radiates down and outwards from there, through the buttocks, body, and legs. A majority of those who experience it report pain in the thigh area and for some it extends even further, all the way down to their feet.
Sciatica is commonly referred to as sciatic nerve pain because it’s caused by either pressure or pinching of the nerves that travel from the spinal cord to the sciatic nerves. The areas surrounding the nerves in the lower back become irritated and inflamed, which in turn causes an intense shooting type of pain to travel out along affected nerves.
The pain from sciatica can be so bad and acute that all people can do is lay in bed and wait for it to pass. It makes everyday life unbearable and little things like sneezing, coughing, or turning over just exacerbate it even more. Instead of bearing through it, there are some things you can do to help alleviate the pain that don’t involve drugs or painkillers. Here are 5 all-natural ways to help manage the discomfort of a sciatica flare up:
1. Yoga or Light Exercise- Any type of movement may be the last thing you feel up for doing, but it’s the best thing you can do for your body. Physical therapists and doctors often instruct patients to do light yoga stretches and certain exercises that target the affected area. Many people who have stuck with the exercise plans have reported finding immense relief and that’s why it’s considered the best thing you can do for your body when nerve pain flares up. Also, try to stay active and strengthen your core to help prevent future flare ups. This is where yoga comes in again because it’s one of the easiest ways to condition your body and get into shape.
Try this simple stretch and watch the video at the end of this article for further detail:
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2. Massage- Different massage techniques can be utilized to help loosen up tight muscles and alleviate aches and pains. Oftentimes deep tissue massage is especially effective for treating muscle spasms and numbness. It works great at stimulating blood flow and helps open up any blockages.
3. Acupuncture- Many people have found relief for their sciatica pain with this ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine. Ultra fine, extremely thin needles are inserted through the skin into specific points on the body which target different types of aches, pains, and symptoms. When performed by a trained specialist, it’s practically painless, and it’s definitely worth giving a try.
4. Hot and Cold Therapy- By switching from cold to hot you can ease the pain and discomfort from sciatica. Apply a cold compress to the area first for about 20-30 minutes. After that, place a heating pad or hot compress on the same spot. When you alternate between hot and cold temperatures you’re stimulating the area, increasing circulation, and aiding you’re body in the fight against inflammation. You can repeat the cold/hot process as often as you’d like, plus it gives you something else to focus on.
5. Limit Certain Activities- Ones that place a lot of stress on the lower back should be limited. Those who suffer re-current flare ups usually know what causes their sciatica to act up and can therefore avoid certain activities which they have linked to the onset of pain. By resting and limiting activities, pain can be reduced and for most people, around 90%, it disappears completely within 3-6 weeks. The main physical activity that is especially bad is either bending or folding forwards. This should be avoided at all costs! In the accompanying CureJoy video Brett Larkin goes over why this is so. She sheds a lot of light on sciatic nerve pain and has more than a few great tips on how to work a little bit of yoga and some gentle stretches into your recovery approach. You’ll learn something new so check out her short and straight to the point video!
Hopefully these tips turn out to be beneficial to your health and overall well-being. Please share and help spread this information to others so they too may find relief from their sciatic nerve pain.
