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Human Gets Hysterical Revenge On His Cat Who Wakes Him Up Every Single Night At 4 am.

الصفحة الرئيسية

When a cat wants to wake their human up, they usually do it in some sort of abrupt, sudden, loud type of fashion. Who can blame them, they’re often restless after sleeping all day and night, or they want to eat soon. Others may simply want to play or they just like annoying you, and so they try their best to rouse you from your deep slumber!
While some cats purr and walk all over you until you wake up, others will meow as loud as they can until you either scream at them to shut up or finally throw back the covers in defeat. Such is the case for this cat. His name is Italics and instead of gently massaging his human awake, he loudly meows up a storm every morning promptly at around 4 AM!
According to his owner, YouTuber Nick T, the adorable little ginger cat had been waking him up at that ungodly hour for over a week straight. That’s the reason why the tired, not so well-rested, man decided to get some sweet revenge on his fur baby. As the ancient saying goes “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” he decided to exact equal justice with a meow for a meow.
While Italics was taking a nap at the end of his bed, Nick slowly crept up next to him. He looked down at the sleeping cutie pie with a wild-eyed stare, waiting patiently for the perfect moment to strike. Moments later he opened wide and let rip a noisy meowwww!! right in the poor kitty’s face. The cat woke up in a hurry and looked extremely startled as he whipped his head around. He certainly got a taste of his own medicine and maybe now he won’t bother his human at four in the morning!
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