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Quiz: What’s Your Biggest Fear According To Your Zodiac Sign?

الصفحة الرئيسية

What are you most afraid of in this world? Before you can definitively answer that question you need to know what it truly means to be in fear. The online Oxford Dictionary defines fear as “An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.” Many things may cause someone to experience feelings of fear, whether it’s the fear of the unknown or a seemingly irrational phobia. When faced with these things our hearts race and palms sweat, and we can quickly become overwhelmed by the flood of anxiety and stress.
Your zodiac sign can actually reveal a lot more about what your deep seated fear may be. After all, the zodiac signs are best known for the different emotions, strengths, and weaknesses that are associated with each one. All of these aspects can be examined so that one can determine what it is that most likely causes them to experience fear.
Astrology can answer a variety of things as it seeks to link events and occurrences on Earth to celestial and astronomical observations. Ancient cultures first began to practice it when they looked up to the sky to help explain what was happening in life. The sun, moon, stars, and wide open skies were places of constant change and motion. Beliefs and theories were attached to the positions of the sun and other celestial bodies, and it was from these astrological impressions that the zodiac signs were born. The 12 astrologically based zodiac signs include Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Every person alive has and falls under a sign, it all depends on the exact day and month in which they were born. Each sign forms a part of the astrological calendar and they all interconnect in fascinating ways.
Different signs stand for different things, from the four elements of life- water, air, fire, and water, to various positive and negative connotations. They are also each attributed to a different type of fear. Click on your sign below to reveal what your biggest fear is based on how your stars are aligned and see if what your zodiac sign reveals is true!
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