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Quiz: Which Animal Do You See Like?


Each and every species and type of animal has a set of defining looks and characteristics. They also share specific personality traits that determine how they process their environment and the world in which they live. The way that an animal views the world is through a combination of these genetic and environmental factors. Perhaps one of the most important, and recognizable, feature of any animal is their eyes. The eyes and sights they take in are paramount to an animals survival and their vision has evolved over thousands of years into what it is today. Some animals see certain colors or wavelengths of light and others can see in the dark or in very low light. There is still a lot we don’t know about animal vision but one thing is certain; many animals have excellent vision that is far superior to our human eyesight.

Most, if not all, animals need to be hyper aware and are constantly on the lookout for food, water, threats, and other dangers. Eyesight is one of the primary senses they often rely on to stay alive. That is why some types of animals have evolved specialized eyesight capabilities that give them an advantage and works in conjunction with their other senses and skills. For example, eagles, hawks, and similar birds of prey have incredibly sensitive and sharp eyesight that allows them to survive while soaring high above the world. They can spot a tiny mouse scurrying around below from hundreds of feet up in the air, lock in on it, and not lose track as they swoop down for the kill.

To find out which animal you see like press the “let’s play” button to start the quiz! As always, have fun and enjoy!

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